Evolution Taekwondo

Peterborough Martial Arts Academy , Unit 4 Wainman Road , Peterborough , Cambridgeshire, PE2 7BU.

Book a FREE Taster Lesson

Tel: 01733235230

Online and Offline

Welcome back

Welcome back to Evolution Taekwondo! The last few weeks and months have been very strange, difficult and trying for us all and we thank everyone, from the bottom of our hearts, who have stuck with us and supported us through this pandemic. Without your patience and encouragement we likely wouldn’t have made it to this point.

We are looking forward to seeing all of our members again soon and meeting many more new members waiting to become part of our Taekwondo family. Although classes will have to be a little different, we can’t wait to see our students happy, smiley faces and have some very fun new drills in store!

Once again, welcome back and thank you to everyone who has supported us during Covid-19.

We are open

Finally, we have been given a date to open! 25th July is the magic number so stick it in your diaries! We are working exceptionally hard to make sure our gym is as safe as possible for all returning students and spectators and we have planned some brand new drills and games to make our classes fun, fresh and socially distanced. Of course, there will be a few changes and a few learning curves to overcome together but we aim to bring back more normality and routine into our students lives following the last few months of lockdown.

Our timetable will be a little different from usual in order to accommodate the need for smaller class sizes and minimise crossovers between classes whilst still ensuring everyone gets enough mat time.

We are mostly looking forward to seeing all of our students and meeting some new faces too! We can’t wait to hear about what you have all been doing during lockdown; we have thoroughly enjoyed seeing your arty creations on social media so if you’re new and haven’t seen them yet, pop over to our Facebook and take a look!

Once again, see you on the 25th July and stay safe

Online and offline

With the reopening of our gym and the easing of lockdown nye we can’t wait to resume our classes and see everyone again!

Nevertheless, despite our extensive safety measures, we absolutely understand that not all of our members will feel comfortable with joining in with classes right away. We will, therefore be continuing with our online Zoom classes for those who wish to attend online. Members are also more than welcome to come to classes in person whilst also doing some online classes.We hope to make our transition to reopening as comfortable as possible and thank our members continued support for making reopening possible. Anyone wishing for any further information is welcomed to message us on social media, phone us or drop us an email.

Social distancing

With the reopening of the club getting very close we would like to take a moment to tell you about the safety measures that have been put in place.

Firstly, as social distancing has now become commonplace it should come as no surprise that we will be limiting the number of students in the hall to 30 per class. In order to enable 30 students on the mats, we will be unable to allow spectators to watch the classes as this will decrease the capacity available to students.

Upon arrival, each students temperature will be taken as well as hand sanitiser being given to each person. To make this process less invasive, we have installed a wall mounted forehead thermometer by the front door.

During classes, there will be no contact between students and contact between students and instructors will be kept to a minimum, with a mask being worn by instructors if there is any closer contact necessary.

After each class, the whole hall will be sprayed with a fast drying disinfectant to ensure student safety.

We hope these measures put your mind at ease as we are working very hard to make this transition as easy as possible for everyone.

The whole team is very excited to get back to doing what they love and look forward to hearing about everyone’s lockdown adventures.